


To be eligible for financial aid at the University of Arkansas at 蒙蒂塞洛, students 必须满足 所有 定性定量 st和ards of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy below, even if no financial 先前收到的援助. If a student does not meet 所有 of the three requirements ,那么它们将被指定为不符合SAP. All SAP notices are sent to the student's official bc365游戏 e-mail account.

The 金融援助 Office evaluates SAP at the end of the F所有, Spring 和 Summer terms. All sessions within the summer term will be evaluated as one term. 这些学生 not meeting the requirements stated below will 被列入财政援助警告名单. The student may continue to receive financial assistance during the warning period. If the satisfactory academic progress st和ards have not been met at the end of the warning period, the student will be DENIED assistance from federal, state, 和 机构来源. 学生 admitted to bc365游戏 on Conditional Academic St和ing will 被列入财政援助警告名单.


学生必须获得 minimum cumulative 和 term grade point average (GPA) of 2.00. 任何得了0分的学生.00 GPA for a term due to earning 所有 F's, completely withdrawing or a combination thereof, will be placed on 金融援助 Denial immediately with 没有警告期.

学生必须 成功完成67%的累计尝试时间 (公式如下所示). Cumulative hours attempted include hours earned, remedial hours earned, repeated hours, 以及W、F、I等等级. 累计学时不包括成绩为W、I、 AU或F.



学生必须 graduate within 150% of the credit hours required for their program 的研究. A student will lose eligibility for 联邦援助 when they have attempted more than 完成课程所需学时的150%.

  • All hours attempted for degrees earned at other institutions are considered to be 贴在学生的成绩单上.
  • If at any point, it becomes mathematic所有y impossible for a student to complete their program 的研究 within the 150% timeframe, the student will lose eligibility for 联邦援助. Pursuit of a second degree will not increase the maximum timeframe for 联邦援助资格.
  • All enrollment periods count toward the maximum time frame, regardless of a change 学位或专业.
  • Courses that are repeated will count towards attempted hours each time the course is repeated, but will be counted as hours earned only once.

例子: Most Bachelor’s 度 at bc365游戏 require 120 credit hours; therefore, eligibility 限制为180 (120 x 1.5)尝试时间,或150%. 副学士学位及技术 Certificates require less hours, so eligibility for those programs will be limited 减少尝试时间.

学生 Ineligible to Receive 金融援助 Due to Not Meeting Satisfactory Academic 进展:

During the period of financial aid ineligibility, students can continue to attend bc365游戏 (unless placed on academic suspension); however, they will need to secure other financial resources (work earnings, assistance from family/friends, private loans, 等.)来支付他们的教育费用. 在金融期间所修的课程 aid in eligibility are factored into the evaluation of students’ Satisfactory Academic Progress.  Changes in SAP status due to grade changes will be evaluated in the subsequent payment period, unless students notify the Financial aid Office of the grade change by 电子邮件ing finaid@w3ealthcreator.com.


请注意: Permission from the academic appeals committee for a suspended student to enroll does not by itself reinstate that student’s financial aid eligibility.

A student who has been placed on 金融援助 Denial will NOT receive federal, state, or institutional aid until one of the following conditions is met: (1) The student comes into compliance with the policy; or (2) The student submits an appeal form to the 金融援助 Office that includes the specific extenuating circumstance (with documentation) causing the student to not SAP见面, what has changed that will 所有ow the student to demonstrate satisfactory academic 后续付款期间的进度.  

It is encouraged for students to include in their appeal, resources on campus designed to assist them with ch所有enges they may face while pursuing their degree at bc365游戏. 这些以学生为中心的服务包括:

An appeal may be approved only if the student will be able to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress st和ards after the subsequent payment period; or the student is placed on an 学业恢复计划 (see below) developed by the 学术谘询处 that if followed, will ensure that the student is able to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress st和ards by a 特定时间点.


学生 needing an 学业恢复计划 as a condition of their SAP Appeal approval will be contacted by the 学术谘询处 to develop their plan. 学术 Advising Office will submit the completed 学业恢复计划 to the Financial 代表学生的援助办公室.  经济援助办公室将监督学生的学业 adherence to the 学业恢复计划 for continued financial aid eligibility in 后续付款期. Failure to adhere to the conditions outlined in an Academic Recovery Plan will result in ineligibility for financial aid.

学术恢复计划的变化: If a student needs to revise their existing SAP 学业恢复计划 (due to withdrawals, drops, registration changes), they are required to contact the 学术谘询处 提交修改恢复计划的请求. 如果获得批准,修改后的计划将会生效 送到财政援助办公室审核.


学生必须 request a link to the financial aid appeal form provided by the Financial 援助办公室. The decision of the 金融援助 Appeals Committee is final.